About US

درباره ما


The trade association of after sale service companies was established in 1997 to protect the benefits of the members


Currently , the Association has 26 member companies  with more than 2500 authorized dealers provide the services .



Goals and mission of the Association

The Association was formed In the implementation of Article 131 of the Labor laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the regulations of the trade associations and the related centers to :

  • Protect the rights and defend the common interests of the professional affairs
  • Recover the social and economic status
  • Have the efforts in raising awareness of the members of the Association.


The ExpertCommittees ofthe Association:

  1. Designing &Planning Committee
  2. Codification of Laws & Regulation Committee
  3. Education Committee
  4. Research Committee
  5. Advertising and information Committee
  6. Spare parts Committee
  7. The Expert Committee


Research activities:

1.People Survey on the quality of the vehicle after sales service held at the International Auto Show

2.Central Repair Shop Customer Survey on the quality of the after sales service

3.Evaluation of the authorized expert  agencies which is held in ISACO (Affiliated to IKD ) and SaipaYadak companies

4.General  view of  AutomotiveAfter Sales Service

5.Evaluation the quality of the guarantee performance in  ISACO ( Iran Khodro ) and Govah companies 

6.Preparation of 19 technical standards for unaffiliated workshops to the member companies in collaboration with Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran

7.Effectivenessofthe accomplishment of discontinuous Associates Degree in two fields of” Auto repair and Maintenance” and “After salesService”.

8.Amending  the syllabus and the topics relating to the Associates course of After sale Car Service


Educational activities

A)Short-term training:

Short–term training section conducts training seminars and short-term  courses in the Association .

Short-term training courses and training seminars held ,in Tehran and other provinces up to  March 2013 , by Short-term training Section , exceeded over 290000 person/hours  of  training program .

  1. B) Long-term training:

Applied Science Centre of the Association, authorized bythe Applied Science University,began its activities in 2002  And in 2014 in cooperation with the University ended.

1.Associate’s degrees inAuto Repair and Maintenance

2.Associate’s degree in Auto After  sales Services of associate degree

3.Associate’sDegree in Marketing

4.Associate Degree of Mechanical Repairs Course
5.Industrial Accounting associate degree

6.Associate’s degree in AutoMechanics

7.Automobile Mechanical Engineering technology in undergraduate section

8.Advertising business management in undergraduate section


Number of graduates(up to April , 2012):

Associate degree                  1450  people

Undergraduate students       333   people

Sum of Graduates                1783   people


Association publications:

So far, five books have been published as follows:

1.Service and Maintenance

2.Dealership Management (I)

3.Dealership Management(II)

4.Use of electronics in Vehicle

  1. History car industry



Address : No 1 , Khazeni alley , Northern eskandari st , Azadi st . Tehran , Iran

Telephone : +(98 21) 66911756-9

Fax : +(98 21) 66925043

Website : www.asscc.ir

E-mail : anjoman76@yahoo.com